PhD Candidate & Annenberg Endowed FellowCinema and Media StudiesUniversity of Southern California

I'm a digital media scholar who researches and writes about the social, aesthetic, political, and public impacts of apps and web platforms. I study livestreaming, television, video games, and internet culture.

I am currently a PhD Candidate and Annenberg Fellow in cinema and media studies in the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. I also hold a doctoral certificate in Science and Technology Studies from the Dornsife Center on Science, Technology, and Public Life.

My dissertation focuses on the uses and transformations of livestreaming technologies and platforms over the past two decades up until the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

I received my MA in cinema and media studies from USC and my BA in anthropology from the University at Buffalo. Before academia, I spent several years working in the nonprofit sector.

 Fields & Methods: digital media studies, television studies, science and technology studies, platform studies, mixed humanistic and qualitative research methods, qualitative interviews, interdisciplinary research, teaching and pedagogy  Interests & Objects: livestreaming and liveness, web platforms and apps, video games, tv, sociotechnical systems, algorithmic culture, infrastructure, impacts of networked technologies on public life and domestic space

See my cv for a complete list of my publications, service, and affiliations
Pleaseemail me if you’re having trouble finding or accessing my work
Conference PaperSociety for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
My Dream Setup: Social and Proximal Rearrangements of Domestic Space on Livestreaming Platforms

Boston, MAMarch 2024
Conference PaperSociety for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
Wired, Tired, and Trying Not to be Fired: A Sociotechnical Analysis of Zoom Fatigue on Live Media Platforms during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Denver, CO April 2023
Research GrantAnnenberg Graduate Fellowship Research and Creative Project Symposium
Going Live on #Prisentok: Intimacy and Exposure in Carceral 

written with Simogne Hudson
University of Southern CaliforniaMarch 2023
PodcastMedia Literate
Hegemony, Gramsci, and Politics (Oh My!)


February 2022 
Conference PaperDigital Games Research Association (DIGRA)
Homebodies: Domesticity, Intimacy, and Affective Labor on Twitch

Krakow, Poland / VirtualJuly 2022
Special Edition: PassingSpectator: The University of Southern California Journal of Film & Television
Editor’s Introduction

written and edited with Kimberly Henry
May 2022
Research GrantMedia as Sociotechnical Systems (MASTS)Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism  
Mobilizing Controversy: Pandemic Pleasures

written with Christopher J. Persaud, Lee Kezar, & Nathan Bartley

University of Southern CaliforniaSummer 2021
Conference PaperAssociation of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
They Stream Among Us: Political Livestreaming During the 2020 U.S. General Election

VirtualOctober 2021
Conference PaperSociety for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
Culture Warriors: The Making of Digital Hasbara

VirtualMarch 2021